Wednesday, March 6

Soul Sista Lost and Found

Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.
~ Oscar Wilde

I met Nori one summer at a local campground.  I was a shy teenager completely captivated by this outgoing, cheerful, funny dynamo who was unlike anyone else I had ever met.  She truly was one-of-a-kind.  We spent a lot of time talking and I credit her with being a trusted confidante and a guide, of sorts, as I stumbled -- often blindly -- across the minefield of teenage angst.  She kept me happy and real and positive.  I met her when I absolutely needed her and am better for it.

We found each other on Facebook a while ago and tonight we talked on the phone for about an hour.  It was interesting to hear about her life and all of the changes.  I am beyond thrilled to learn that she is a mom -- because when I met her all those years ago, there was nothing more important to her than having children. 

People change over time.  We see it every day.  Some people resign themselves to their life.  Some people trade their ambitions or desires for the role of parent or partner.  The people that learn and grow from their trials become better versions of themselves; the people that don't are at risk of becoming empty husks. 

Nori is a light.  She is everything I remember but better.  I can't wait to see her. 

I sometimes make fun of Facebook because it can be bogged down with pointless remarks and hurtful messages.  Sometimes though, it delivers a friend.. For that, Facebook, I am grateful.

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