Saturday, March 16

Bucket List - Yi Peng Festival, Thailand

“No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around.”
~ Paulo Coelho

Each fall in Thailand, the Yi Peng lantern festival is held in Chiang Mai.  The picture below taken by Ng Chai Hock was recognized in Sony's 2013 Photo Awards.

The lanterns are released in respect for Buddah.  It is thought that this symbolic act would release bad memories and that the lantern would transport a wish for the future to the heavens.  It was monks who had traditionally released the lanterns but the festival has grown so that anyone may participate.  In the evening floating lanterns are released all around Chiang Mai province. 

This event has made its way to my bucket list.

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