Thursday, December 13

Doomsday Resolution...Curb Holiday Shopping

According to doomsday prophets, the Mayan Calendar predicts the end of the world in 8 days.  This, of course, is not news.  It was initially making headlines months ago but...well...the date is fast approaching so let's say the countdown is officially on.

I don't personally believe that the world will end in 8 days though I have toyed with the idea from time to time in the last few days, especially in light of the time crunch that Christmas activities bring .  For instance, I am honestly thinking of putting off buying my Christmas turkey until the 22nd.  If all the doomsday followers out there are getting serious about stocking up, I'm thinking canned goods might be in short supply while frozen turkeys should remain relatively plentiful.  Yup.  I think I'll wait.  Who knows...maybe I can take advantage of the End of Mayan Calendar sales that are sure to follow.

I mentioned to the kids that I would probably forego our usual Christmas shopping activities and fast-track the exercise with a "gift card Christmas."  Again, I'm not a believer but I am not above capitalizing on the hype to escape the stresses of Christmas shopping.  I am not an exuberant shopper under the best of circumstances...and is it just me or does everyone seem especially pissy at this time of year?  The lines are longer (which is OK because I just downloaded Boggle to my IPhone) but it can get hot hanging around in a lineup being bumped around by rhino-virus-infected shoppers who lost their patience before they even left the parking lot.  While I don't condone shoplifting, I totally understand how tempting it would be to just head to the exit with your wares shooting looks at the suckers standing in line. Don't get me wrong...I could never bring myself to do it but...MAN!...if I could just throw some cash at the staff and head out the doors without my gift receipt, I might be able to embrace holiday shopping. I would need that little thing that removes the security tags from clothes though. There would probably be a long line up at the store that sells those. I bet you even have to give your name and email account before you get to buy one. Hmmm.. the idea is fast losing its appeal.

The three of us have made a pact to shop after Christmas if the world keeps spinning.  We'll make a day of it...dinner, shopping...maybe even a movie.  The kids understand my aversion and suggested that we would all be better off if I didn't spend the rest of my life shopping.   That said, we're going to go ahead and buy gifts for those that fall outside of our pact.  We don't, after all, want people thinking that we're whack jobs!!!!

It's settled then!  Faced with the possibility of extinction in 8 days, we have agreed to curb our holiday shopping activities.

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