Thursday, January 4

New Year's Resolutions

I know that I should probably give serious thought to committing to a new year's resolution. There are thousands from which to choose:
  • lose weight again (did you see that? it says a-gain! :O I feel as though I've already failed)
  • get a job (a real one, you know, with bi-weekly paycheques, benefits and tax deductions)
  • write a book (I say that every month, never mind every year)
  • read more wisdom literature (not just that fiction rubbish from Koontz and King)
  • get more interested/involved in my own community (like meeting my neighbours of 10 yrs)
  • get more interested in politics (I used to be a young liberal, now just an old cynic)
  • save more money (so that I can lose it in the market instead of on stupid things like groceries and insurance and gas)
  • get my hair cut every 4-6 weeks regularly (instead of suffering through crazy hair days)
  • pay more attention to me (manicures, pedicures, monthly massages, maybe hang a mirror somewhere)
  • take singing lessons (I'm not even a little bit serious about that one)
  • hug my therapist after every session (kidding...he he!)

I made a resolution once. I gave up soda for a year. Absolutely NO carbonated beverages for an entire year. No Pepsi, Coke, Ginger Ale, Sprite, 7-Up, Root Beer, Cream Soda, or any other variation or emulation. I did it, and then failed to regain my taste for pop. It's been bottled water and iced tea since then. Thank Heavens for Snapple!

Here's the thing -- if I make a resolution, that's it! I'm committed! Failure is not an option so the only natural thing to do is, well, not make a resolution. It's the only safe answer for this perfectionist, otherwise, I would need to select the best resolution from this list, establish a budget, define my goals, develop a list of expected outcomes, define the metrics to measure my success and, well, you get the idea. It's a big deal.


Lance Johnson said...

Ah yes, soda... I gave soda as my New Year's resolution in 2005 and am still going strong two years later. It's much healthier that way. Thanks for your comments on the People Watching blog - at least I know I'm not just writing to myself.

don said...

No beer?

The Wordpecker said...

Thanks for checking in Lance. I agree with you about the soda -- much healthier. I think this is also why I have good, strong, white teeth.

See Don, I can always count on you for the details. Beer, though carbonated, was NOT part of the resolution. In hindsight, I may have had a much more successful senior year if it had been.

don said...

Good. I was starting to worry about you. No beer, no country... What the heck!