I met a preacher once that said the Bible was a collection of stories with lessons in morality and honor...not a history book. I wonder what the preacher is thinking about all this talk of rapture. I doubt that the suitcases were packed and waiting by the door Saturday morning. Nor do I think they will be on October 21st.
My message to Harold...
You can try to terrify the world into becoming believers Harold, but you will find that the hoards of followers are back-sliding hypocrites greedy to follow you only for the prize of salvation. Having a relationship with God isn't about paying tithes to a religious organization or even about attending church every week. It's not about confessing sins to shrouded clergy in quiet confessionals or about surrendering our belongings in vows of poverty. It is NOT about appeasing a wrathful deity.
Finding God is about finding our way to a life that serves others...whether that is a child, a spouse, a friend, our family, or people who need something that we have to offer. It's about finding honor and nobility and dignity in the every day. It is understanding that every one of us has an authentic purpose to fulfill. Even you Harold. You have single-handedly raised the profile of religion if only through your fanaticism and, sadly, if only briefly.
Genesis 3:22 - And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.
See Harold..good AND evil. We are all human. We are all fallible. We all have the capacity to behave well and the capacity to behave badly and...generally speaking...most of us behave well...most of the time.
And see that last part Harold, "and live for ever..." What if that means we're here to stay? Not us individuals, of course...but as a part of the world...like the mountains and the oceans. How about we decide to live our best lives even if we only do that because it will mean a better world for the people that come after us? How about we stop looking for hidden meanings to serve as a prophesy for the end of the world, and start looking for reasons to protect it? How about we do that Harold?
We won't be renewing your contract; your show won't be picked up this Fall. This was your last finale Harold.
Please, please, please tell me that you are glad you were wrong.